Thursday, January 28, 2016

Slim Fast VoxBox...It may be YOUR thing, it's just not mine

I used to love the flavor of the canned version of this shake when I was younger and so I was actually pretty excited when I was notified that I would receive a SlimFast VoxBox through Influenster to test and give my opinions on. I have tried just about every 100 calorie snack on the market as the modern "diet" industry wants us to think that calories in = calories out and we should keep munching on expensive snacks to get us through the day rather than eating real food from the earth to keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. I have since tried very hard to stray from this idea and I try to eat as much real, whole food as possible.

In summary, I don't agree with the basis of the SlimFast program because while yes, if you follow their "plan" of replacing 2 meals a day with 190 calorie shakes or bars, and then a third 500 calorie meal and three 100 calorie snack, you will most likely lose weight. That is just simple calculation that if you eat 1100 calories a day, you will most likely lose weight. However, I don't believe that 190 calories of processed "food" is sufficient to be used as a meal replacement and I believe it is more beneficial to eat REAL food (fruits, vegetables, meat) as a way to be healthier rather than focusing so much strictly on calories. 


I was asked to give my opinions on the products that are contained within the VoxBox and I will now do so, aside from my personal beliefs about "dieting."

I replaced my usual breakfast with the chocolate shake and it did satisfy me for a couple hours and it does have a good amount of protein (20g) in it which is good. I also liked that it isn't just loaded down with sugar (only 1g). It does, however, taste very sweet due to the use of some sort of artificial sweetener which I also don't agree with. 

I then had the cinnamon bun crisps as a mid-morning snack. I was pleasantly surprised with the taste of these as I do have a pretty big sweet tooth and I love cinnamon. Again, not a fan of the amount of processing in the food but it was good for a quick indulgence and I was surprised with how many of them I got for 100 calories.

I then ate a sensible lunch of a spinach salad.

I didn't really need an afternoon snack so I saved my sour cream and onion crisps for the next day. These I was also pleasantly surprised by. The flavor was pretty close to regular chips and the texture, while not like true potato chips, was pleasant.

I then had the meal replacement bar for my breakfast the next morning. I found the bar to be a bit too small for a meal replacement as I was hungry again in about 2 hours. The flavor was good though.

So overall, while I wouldn't personally use these products as part of my diet, I do believe that if you follow the plan, you will probably lose weight and have a good experience with the foods you are eating while you're on the plan.

I receive this product for free in exchange for my review. However, the opinions stated here are completely my own.


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